Friday, September 28, 2007

apod 1.5

I think the harvest moons are the most beautiful type. i love the yellow color that they appear to be. It almost looks like it is a cross between the sun and the moon.

Friday, September 21, 2007

apod 1.4

i really like this picture simply because of what it looks like. the description said that this was of volcano Tungurahua in ecuador. when i first looked at this picture it almost looked like this volcano was erupting on the face of another planet in space and not on earth. i really like how the lava and ash from the volcano are mixed with the wispy white clouds.

Sunday, September 16, 2007

observation 1.4

I was actually able to see the moon on friday night. It was quite difficult to see as it was just a tiny sliver. However, the sliver was quite bright so i could see it clearly. I could also just barely see the outline of the rest of the moon when i looked closely. It was very neat looking.

Friday, September 14, 2007

apod 1.3

This is a picture of 6 rainbows that was shot in Norway. i can acyually only see 3 of them. I think it is very interesting how the inner side of the main rainbow is lighter than the outser part. It is also strange how the thrid rainbow is almost going in a different direction than the other two and is in the middle of the other two. The explaination said that the rainbow in the middle is probablycaused by the sunlight that was reflected off the lake first. It is also strange how the colors of the second rainbow on the outside are in reverse order of the first, main rainbow.

Thursday, September 13, 2007

observation 1.3

i went out this evening to try and view the moon. however, when i went out it had gotten very cloudy and was beginning to thunder. i will try again tomorrow night!

Friday, September 7, 2007

observation 1.2

Iridium flare on 9/6/07

It is a little bit hard to view the sky from my backyard as there are many trees and it is difficult to see through them. From what i could see, at about 9:00 there was a bright streak across the sky. i was looking north. it was faint at first but as it moved along it got quite bright. it lasted for about 10 seconds before i could no longer see it because of the trees.

observation 1.1

This is from the first week of school.

I went outside to view the relationship between the star antares, jupiter, and the moon. The moon was to the left of both antares and jupiter. Jupiter looked as if it was flickering slightly and was a orange-ish color. it was about 4 degrees away from the moon when i used my fist to measure. Jupiter and antares were about 2 degrees apart. The moon and antares were also about 4 or 4 1/2 degrees apart.

apod 1.2

I thought that the picture of Victoria Crater on the moon was the most interesting from the week. The technology that is used to produce these kind of images still amazes me. It is fascinating how we have such advanced technology to have rovers on the surface of the moon.